Captioned movies in local theaters
For those deaf and hard of hearing people who have given up going to the movies there is a new movement gaining traction (hopefully) to help you out.
Benefits of Binaural Amplification
Many years ago it was com- mon for people to be fit with one hearing aid even if they had loss in both ears. Then in the 1980’s a study came out of the Veteran’s Administration showing the unaided ear loses its ability to discriminate speech likely due to auditory deprivation. Today two hear- ing…
Ear candling is ineffective and potentially dangerous.
Proponents of ear candling say that if you place a special lit candle at the opening of the ear canal, the vacuum created will pull earwax out of the ear, help clear your sinuses, alleviate pain, etc.
Proposed tax credit for hearing aid purchases.
The audiologists at Valley Audiology are members of the American Academy of Audiology (AAA).
How long do hearing aids last?
We tell our patients that their hearing aids should last between five and seven years.
In the past people spoke of “lipreading.” The term these days isn’t “lipreading,” but rather “speechreading.” The change has come because we are really look- ing at people’s facial expressions, arm gestures, postures, etc. and not just their lips when interpreting what is being said. None of us has much formal train- ing in speechreading,…
How loud is too loud?
Do this quick test to see if you are exposing yourself to too much noise.
Hearing aids are only helpful if you wear them!
Spouses complain to me
To spouses and friends of the hearing impaired
When you are talking to someone with a hearing loss, they cannot understand what you are saying when your back is turned and you are walking out of the room.
When Do I Need Another Hearing Test?
When do I need another hearing test?