Financing plans for hearing aids
Hearing aids are essential for good quality of life for the hearing impaired, but people put off getting them due to the big upfront expense. A few years ago when the economy started to slow down, we had people asking how they could afford to buy aids. Valley Audiology now offers a financing plan through…
Cell phones and hearing aid compatibility
Manufacturers rate cell phones models based on their compatibility with hearing aid microphones and telecoils. The highest rating a phone can receive is a
How do I know if I have a hearing loss?
Typically hearing loss comes on so gradually that it is difficult for the person with the loss to realize what they are missing. Here are some of the first symptoms that my patients report: -Turning up the TV or radio volume louder than other family members want it -Difficulty understanding conversation when there is background…
Movie captioning arrives in the East Bay!
The Century Theater in Pleasant Hill has captioning! When buying your ticket at the box office, ask them for a captioning device. You will need to leave your driver
Great article about getting hearing aids
Here is a great article I read about one man’s journey to hearing aids. Rick Anthony, the founder and director of The Solutions Network, a consulting company, writes his article in His story is very familiar!
What is the Story with “Free” Hearing Tests?
More than once I’ve had to answer the question of why we bill insurance for hearing tests when other places do it for free. As audiologists, our license allows us to do full diagnos- tic hearing testing to evalu- ate the type and degree of hearing loss. We use sev- eral different tests to give…
The Widex Clear has been released to the US market
The new Widex Clear hearing aid has been fit on patients in Europe for months and the reviews are sounding great! Because the hearing aid has a sound generating feature called Zen, Widex had to get approval from the FDA before releasing it to the U.S. market. The new technology includes a sound softening feature…
Importance of Good Staff
Answering Machine with Slow Speech
Understanding the name and phone number of a caller is very difficult for hearing impaired people. My patients also say that it is very difficult to under- stand information left on their answering machines. If only people would speak more slow- ly! Now there is a solution to that problem – an answering ma- chine…
Denial of hearing loss
Many people who come into my office for their first hearing test don