Category: Hearing Loss

  • Common Hearing Aid Problems

    Chalk drawing of two heads, one with scribbles in the brain and the other with a spiral explaining a speech audiometry test.

    While hearing aids are expertly designed electronic devices, that does not make them impervious to scrutiny. This is especially true when someone is wearing hearing aids for the first time, as they do take some…

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  • How Hearing Aids Can Improve Speech and Memory

    Hearing loss affects an estimated 48 million people. Left untreated, this condition can lead to social withdrawal, feelings of loneliness, depression, anxiety and even cognitive decline. In spite of its prevalence and these risks, only…

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  • Helping Your Child Through Hearing Loss

    When left untreated, pediatric hearing loss can head to issues with language, speech and social development. Whether your child was recently diagnosed with hearing loss or they have been living with this condition for some…

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  • How Does Hearing Loss Affect the Brain?

    Untreated hearing loss comes with a number of side effects, none more serious than its effect on your brain. Research out of John Hopkins found that even mild hearing loss can increase your risk of…

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  • October is Audiology Awareness Month

    Hearing loss can be a confusing experience that leaves you feeling discouraged, frustrated and isolated. October is Audiology Awareness Month, which means now is a great time to learn about life changes that can help…

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  • How Are Tinnitus and Hearing Loss Connected?

    About 15 percent of American adults experience ringing in the ears, known as tinnitus. Tinnitus is a symptom of an underlying condition rather than a disorder on its own. While experts are not sure what…

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  • Stay Connected This Summer

    This summer is different from any that we’ve experienced before. With the global pandemic raging on, instead of spending time with friends and family, many of us are social distancing at home. But now more…

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  • Remote Work with Hearing Loss

    Over the last few months, office work as we know it has changed. While this is a tough adjustment for everyone, those with hearing loss are having a hard time transitioning from in-person to virtual…

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  • Surprising Risks of Hearing Loss

    Surprising Risks of Hearing Loss There are three major causes of hearing loss—exposure to loud noise, traumatic brain injury and aging. But did you know there are a number of risks to your hearing that…

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  • Hearing Hazards at Home

    Your house is a noisy place, from the people living there to the electronics and appliances always running. While some sounds are absorbed by the soft fabrics of your curtains, carpeting and furniture, many are…

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